Video - How does mental health affect Māori, Asians and LGBTIQ people differently?
Explore the impact of mental health on Māori individuals and communities. Gain insights into the unique challenges faced by Māori regarding mental well-being, cultural factors, and available support systems for promoting positive mental health outcomes.

Learn more about how mental health affects different groups of people including those that identify themselves as Maori, Asian, LGBTIQ, and the role of digital technology to help address some of the challenges.
This video panel session shines light to this commonly asked question and includes the following expert panelists:
- Clearhead CEO, Dr Angela Lim
- Maori clinical psychiatrist, Dr Hinemoa Elder
- National Director of Asian Family Health Services, Kelly Feng
- Co-Founder of Conversion Therapy Action Group and Trustee of Rainbow Youth, Shaneel Lal
- CEO of HealthTRX, Anil Thapliyal